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1% for the planetAn international organization whose members contribute at least one percent of their annual revenue to environmental causes to protect the environment. The aim is to offer accountability, prevent greenwashing, and "certify reputable giving.
Link: https://tinyurl.com/2sjukekb | |
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Anti-retaliationAn employee policy that prohibits retaliation and outlines the procedure for reporting retaliation. | |
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Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) is a South African government policy aimed at advancing economic transformation and enhancing the participation of black individuals in the economy. The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) defines B-BBEE as a strategy to "advance economic transformation and enhance the economic participation of black people in the South African economy." https://www.thedtic.gov.za/financial-and-non-financial-support/b-bbee/broad-basedblack-economic-empowerment/ | |
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Carbon CreditsCarbon Credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permits representing the right to emit a set amount of carbon dioxide or the equivalent greenhouse gases. Carbon credits are generated from global projects that pull Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) out of the atmosphere or keep emissions from being released. One credit permits the emission of one ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent of other greenhouse gases. Typically companies that have exceeded their carbon emission limit will be purchasing Carbon Credit to offset the GHG released by the organization. | |
Carbon FootprintA carbon footprint quantifies the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event, or product, typically expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO₂e). This measure encompasses emissions from various activities, including energy consumption, transportation, manufacturing, and waste management. https://css.umich.edu/publications/factsheets/sustainability-indicators/carbonfootprint-factsheet | |
Carbon Negative of Climate PositiveBoth terms refer to a situation whereby a company removes or captures more CO2 from the atmosphere than it even emits. As a result, the company has negative carbon emissions and positively impacts the climate. | |
Carbon NeutralCarbon neutrality means balancing emitting and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere in carbon sinks. | |
Carbon OffsetCarbon Offset is an action or activity (such as the planting of trees or carbon sequestration) that compensates for carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere. | |
Carbon TradingCarbon trading—also known as carbon emissions trading or the carbon market—is a mechanism that facilitates the buying and selling of carbon credits. Each carbon credit represents a specific quantity of greenhouse gas emissions, typically one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂e). https://www.ncmc.sua.ac.tz/news/what-is-carbon-trading | |