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Professor Christopher Marquis Highlights Thomas Ng in "Empowering Communities Through Hiring: Business Innovations in Alleviating Poverty"

Written by Hemah Krishnan

18 June 2024

Cambridge professor, ESG Business Institute Board member, and author Christopher Marquis recently penned an insightful article addressing the persistent systemic inequities that hinder holistically accessible hiring and the challenges poverty poses to work performance. In this article, he acknowledged key sustainable business leaders who have discovered practical ways to implement inclusive employment practices. Among these leaders is the Founder and CEO of Genashtim – Thomas Ng.

Professor Marquis highlighted innovative hiring practices that provide broader employment opportunities and access to disadvantaged individuals, unlocking their potential to drive business growth across diverse industries, particularly in the digital economy. He also emphasized how technology can be leveraged to drive social good by facilitating education, healthcare, and employment for the underprivileged, thereby creating scalable solutions and empowering disadvantaged communities.

A seasoned expert in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and sustainable business, Professor Marquis draws on the experiences of influential business figures who implement vital strategies to support workers from various disadvantaged backgrounds. His mention of Thomas Ng and Genashtim’s sustainable business model reflects his ongoing quest for insights and practical measures to encourage businesses to embrace inclusivity and equity.

Initiating and promoting these discussions is crucial for inspiring more business leaders to embrace and integrate social innovation into their strategies. By focusing on social purpose and collaboration, businesses can uplift underprivileged communities and contribute to building a more equitable society.

Read the full article here.