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PwC’s Global CSRD Survey 2024: The promise and reality of CSRD reporting

Written by Aliyah Assegaf

02 July 2024

Key points from PwC's Global CSRD Survey 2024: 

  • Widespread Awareness and Implementation: The survey indicates strong awareness of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) across global businesses. Many organizations are implementing or planning measures to comply with the CSRD. 
  • Challenges in Compliance: Companies are facing significant challenges in aligning with the CSRD requirements. Key difficulties include data collection, meeting reporting standards, and integrating these processes into existing workflows. 
  • Focus on ESG Reporting: There is a heightened focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting, driven by regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations. The CSRD is seen as a critical framework for enhancing transparency and accountability in sustainability practices. 
  • Investment in Technology and Expertise: To address CSRD requirements, companies are investing in technology solutions and expertise. This includes enhancing data management systems and hiring or training staff with specialized knowledge in ESG and sustainability reporting. 
  • Regional Variations: The survey highlights regional differences in the adoption and implementation of CSRD. European companies are generally more advanced in their CSRD preparations compared to their counterparts in other regions. 
  • Future Outlook: Looking forward, companies anticipate that CSRD compliance will drive improvements in sustainability performance and reporting quality. There is also an expectation of increased regulatory scrutiny and evolving standards in the near future. 

For further details, you can read the full survey report on PwC's website.