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Clouds Emerge on Solar Horizon

Written by aliyah Assegaf

05 July 2024

The article "Clouds Emerge on Solar Horizon" explores the environmental downsides of solar power, focusing on the lifecycle impacts of solar panel production. A report by UBS highlights that the manufacturing phase, including mining and production of materials, contributes more than 80% of the environmental impact. This phase is also responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions associated with solar power, although these emissions are still much lower than those from fossil fuels. Major environmental concerns include habitat loss and damage due to raw material extraction and solar farm site creation. Additionally, there is a looming issue of solar waste, with recycling infrastructure still underdeveloped.

While solar power is often celebrated for its minimal CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuels, the article sheds light on the significant environmental impact of manufacturing solar panels, including habitat destruction and high energy use. This dual perspective encourages a more comprehensive understanding of solar energy's environmental footprint.