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Greening Indonesia's Economic Engine: Fostering Sustainable Growth and Investment

Greening Indonesia's Economic Engine: Fostering Sustainable Growth and Investment

by ESG Business Institute -
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Our distinguished speakers included:

  • Dr. Joko Tri Haryanto, President Director of the Environmental Fund Management Agency Indonesia
  • Yudhi Pradana, Executive Director of B Market Builder Southeast Asia.
  • Tan Ee Beng, Manager of ESG Department at Genashtim Pte. Ltd.

The webinar was moderated by:

  • Prof. Damayanti Buchori, Ph.D., M.Sc., Professor and Head of the Biological Control Laboratory, Dept. of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture IPB University, and Director of the Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences (CTSS), IPB University.

Join us for "Greening Indonesia's Economic Engine," exploring Indonesia's progress in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-tourism. We will discuss financing sustainable development, green investments, and the role of businesses in ESG practices, featuring successful case studies from Indonesia.

Key topics:

  • The rise of the green economy in Indonesia: Exploring sectors like renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-tourism.
  • Financing sustainable development: Mechanisms for attracting green investments and public-private partnerships for sustainability projects. 
  • The role of businesses in promoting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices. 
  • Case studies of successful sustainable businesses in Indonesia.